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Dr. Seuss Week at Grahamwood

Grahamwood Elementary students and teachers enjoy Dr. Seuss Week!

Grahamwood Elementary students and teachers enjoy Dr. Seuss Week!

Grahamwood Elementary School just celebrated Dr. Seuss as a part of Read Across America Literacy Week. Organized by Librarian Alicia Fields, each day had a special Dr. Seuss related theme. For example, Monday was Fox in Socks Silly Sock Day where students and teachers wore silly/mismatched socks, Tuesday’s theme was One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish with everyone dressing as their favorite Dr. Seuss character, and so on until Friday’s Oh! the Places You’ll Go! when shirts were worn with a place showing where you have been or want to visit. Throughout the week all classes were encouraged to read and discuss Dr. Seuss books. In addition to Read Across America, Grahamwood students have been engaged in other initiatives such as Pizza Hut’s Book It! Program and the Grizzlies’ Read to Achieve Challenge. “We use every means possible to encourage our students to read,” states Optional Coordinator Dr. Jack Maxwell. “These literacy programs offer incentives that encourage reading. Our goal is that every student will not only read on grade level but strive to read at least one grade above!”

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